It is.
However, it could be a little more basic or give a better overview at first.
When you read that tutorial keep the following things in mind:
- A vertex shader gets executed for every vertex.
- A pixel shader is executed for every pixel drawn to the screen (independent of the model's texture resolution).
- You transfer data from the vertex shader to the pixel shader by writing the stuff into "texcoord" texture coordinate sets/ buffers. The data the pixel shader receives is interpolated data between the triangle's corresponding 3 vertices.
- All texture coordinates are in the [0,1] interval, independent of the actual resolution. (This means for example that when you use a [0,4] interval, f.i. by multiplying the "InTex" UV mapping data by 4, your texture will be tiled 4 tiles, assuming you use WRAP as an address mode (instead of CLAMP).)

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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