Originally Posted By: tagimbul
i have set the bbox..

by the first part of the video is the bbox zu small by the second part ist the bbox on this size tath i want but if i move on a block he bzg/jump upside and i need to controll this
That's the thing I'm trying to tell you. This code won't (probably) work with rectangular BBOX! You have to use square BBOX (as on the picture from original source I've posted above and as in the first part of your video!). To make sure, you have to wait for Superku's reply, cause he is the one who made that gravity code, and I'm pretty sure he made square BBOX for a reason.

Originally Posted By: tagimbul
if the BBOX to high, he jump upside.
i want the BBOX on this size and i want control the bug/jump high with a variable...

I struggle with this problem for a long time period
but it could never solve
This caused by ellipsoid shape of collusion bbox ( READ MANUAL ), and we all suffering from this :< You can try and change 'move_min_z' parameter as Dico suggested, but I'm sure it won't help (it may reduce the stepping height, but will cause to other issues that you'll need to fix), cause there is no ONE variable that will solve that problem, it's pretty tricky to get working collusions properly. It may sound really frustrating I know this on my own, cause I'm been suffering from Acknex's OBB collision engine for years. You may want to check physX engine too, but it's also undone and tricky (and out-dated as hell). Take a look at the contribution I've made here:
PhysX Movement (RIGID BODY)

Best regards.

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