No. It should default to 0, meaning actions only on server (but for global entities, not ent_createlocal)

I just dropped my MP project because of a bug(?) with localfunction, I guess.

The manual states, that functions should run on server only, and I based my whole MP Tutorial on that part... I even checked the value (it was 0!)
After I developed most of the gameplay, I realized I was shooting two bullets at the same time from one gun. After further checking (I disabled all client shooting init) it was still shooting one bullet, and the bullet even got the local collision of the server's bullet. I mean, an ent_createlocal-ly created bullet, that SHOULD NOT exist on the server was hitting an entity that existed ONLY on the server grin Talk about bugs...

I'm now fighting to make a full system out of ent_createlocals and all structs. I'll try to avoid using any of the built in stuff, except send_data_to laugh

I even made a custom Collision system for this project grin hahah... But, at least I'm not rendering the screen by myself, yet tongue

Anyway, I'm gonna check the createlocal again, if its attaching a function now, but I guess there is something wrong with how the ent_create and ent_createlocal works with Multiplayer...

I don't know if this sounds stupid, but is it possible, with all my sys_malloc functions, that I'm assigning something to dplay_localfunction by accident, by expanding my struct pointer more than it really is in memory? Just a thought...

Last edited by EpsiloN; 12/23/15 19:44.

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: