Thanks it works better, not perfect yet but a big improvement (it still gives to much offset with objects that are more to the north/top or to the south/bottom);

objectview_panel.bmap = small_view.bmap; //to show it ontop of the interface	
vec_set(draw_vec, ent_obj.x);	
vec_to_screen(draw_vec, small_view); // to screen coordinates

draw_vec.x /= screen_size.x / objectview_panel.size_x;
draw_vec.y /= screen_size.y / objectview_panel.size_y;
draw_vec.x += objectview_panel.pos_x;
draw_vec.y += objectview_panel.pos_y;

str_for_num(draw_str, ent_obj.HEALTH);
draw_text(draw_str, draw_vec.x, draw_vec.y, vector(255, 255, 255));

ps: a bit unrelated to this thread but you really should give yourself more credit, your a smart guy