That's a shame, because what you describe , is like taking the real life game of soccer and creating 10 versions with small rule changes. It would be crazy to watch a tv channel of this sport. There is bumper soccer and half field soccer and soccer with a moat in the middle, ect. This makes sense for wanting to change play but not the game. One week I might play soccer, then next golf. Yes both take a lot of learning, and both give a great play experience.

It's almost protection of the players ego, It's like driving a race car on the same track every day but making small changes to the track. He who drives the track most is inherently better than any one driving once a month.. Then add the physical abilities to boot.

I was a game designer long before I touched a computer, I was a 80'd kid, we created outside play games all the time. The ones that we disliked were the ones that only changed our last game by some small margin (20%).