Here you get a masked self-lighted solid entity shader. It supports up to eight dyn lights but it has not bloom or emmits light. That is another story. It is the simplest indeed. Save the mask as alpha channel on the texture.

float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
float4x4 matWorld;
float4 vecViewPos;
float4 vecViewDir;
float4 vecFog;
float4 vecFogColor;
float4 vecLight;
float4 vecColor;
float4 vecAmbient;

int iLights;
float4 vecLightColor[8];
float4 vecLightPos[8];

texture entSkin1;
sampler ColorSampler = sampler_state { Texture = <entSkin1>; Mipfilter = Linear; Minfilter = Linear; Magfilter = Linear; };

void VS (
	in float4 inposition : POSITION,
	in float3 innormal : NORMAL,
	in float2 intex : TEXCOORD0,
	out float4 outposition : POSITION,
	out float3 outnormal : TEXCOORD0,
	out float2 outtex : TEXCOORD1,
	out float3 outworldPos : TEXCOORD2 )
		inposition.w = 1.0f;
		outposition = mul ( inposition, matWorldViewProj );
		outnormal = mul ( innormal, (float3x3)matWorld );
		outtex.xy = intex.xy;
		outworldPos = mul ( inposition, matWorld ).xyz;

float4 PS (
	float3 normal : TEXCOORD0,
	float2 tex : TEXCOORD1,
	float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD2 ) : COLOR0
		normal.xyz = normalize ( normal.xyz );
		float4 textureColor = tex2D ( ColorSampler, tex.xy );
		float4 finalColor;
		finalColor.rgb = vecAmbient.rgb * vecLight.rgb;
		for ( int i=0; i<iLights; i++ )
			float3 lightDir = normalize ( vecLightPos[i].xyz - worldPos.xyz );
			float Distance = distance ( vecLightPos[i].xyz, worldPos.xyz );
			float Radiance = saturate ( ( vecLightPos[i].w - Distance ) / vecLightPos[i].w );
			finalColor.rgb += vecLightColor[i].rgb * saturate(dot(lightDir.xyz,normal.xyz)) * Radiance;
		finalColor.rgb *= textureColor.rgb;
		finalColor.rgb = lerp ( finalColor.rgb, textureColor.rgb, textureColor.a );
		float Distance = distance ( vecViewPos.xyz, worldPos.xyz );
		float Fog = saturate ( ( Distance - vecFog.x ) * vecFog.z );
		finalColor.rgb = lerp ( color.rgb, vecFogColor, Fog );
		finalColor.a = 1.0f;
	   return finalColor;

	pass pass0
		ZWriteEnable = True;
		AlphaBlendEnable = False;
		VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS(); 
		PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 PS(); 
