Maybe I have a bug. It is part of the building strategy process. Should I trail or not? which kind of trailing? Then I generate different algos so I can compare the strategy performance.
I also go through different market times to know which is the best time for each asset. Beside I have 32 assets. And since I dont know if they behave the same in up trend or down trend, either I split the strategy in short and long algos or I split the optimization parameters into those for short and long for each algo. And I variate the amount of parameters which get optimize to avoid overfitting.
I could do all above in a couple of days and chaging each day something as a part of developing the strategy or I can do it all at once.
So there is no mystery, I am using pivot point but there are a lot of posibilities to play around of it. I am not using TICK, neither too many years.
Maybe all above not make sense but somehow the increase of options/parameters is something that can happen over time so that in the future more complex analysis can bring better understanding of the behaviour of the assets.

I could not find such a cloud computing community in internet that you can join and use resources of different computers as they use yours. I dont know if it exits or if it can compromise security. Maybe there is such where each member pay a small fee and have access to a supercomputer or x-cpu in y-time per month, or maybe only universities and technology centers can access to it.

I have found some which offer an API. I dont know if it make sense to have that option in zorro so that if you begin training mode in your computer, the calculations are done in the cloud.

Last edited by Nanitek; 11/23/15 06:48.