Btw i not recommend MED for this but it is possible.

I totally agree, I've been 3ds max for 5 year( by use of the free educational license). The important thing is, if you have a bone struc with animation, you can use it with any mesh. Even if you have to use MED( for lack of better).
With scaling the individual bones, you can use a guard size bone struc with a tiny Mario or even a Kirby type model. Beginners often think when they to get a new model(custom made) they have to get a bone struc and have it rigged an animated, often with 80% the same animations. When you're only getting meshes the prices drop, or if you are asking someone for free work, saving them the time of boning(lol), rigging and animation may make a huge difference in if they take the job.
EDIT - This is how the character sets in UE4 and Unity work with each other and the same code.

So a unified, bone stuc with a collection of animation, is indeed I kind thing to offer, and IMHO more valuable then the mesh.


Last edited by Malice; 11/22/15 18:04.