hi , this is a small test version ,which features the current progress of the navigational mesh builder tool.

the current features are:

file support for importing static geometry:

types - fbx,dae,obj,3ds,mdl,hmp,wmb

of which obj and 3ds are not to be used yet.
possible changes ,will be to keep only obj/fbx/dae/3ds support

file support for exporting the navmesh:
types - fbx,dae,obj,dat, .*

of which fbx/dae/obj exports the static geometry of the navmesh such that , it can be viewed faster ,by external modeling software .

dat and .* privide support for the navmesh data files, to be loaded in the game/application.

build settings:
types - txt,.*

txt and .* file types , both provide support to save and load the build settings to external files , written to file as readable text .

support for advanced build settings:

currently the build settings are not configured to be agent based ,so there is added complexity at the moment for tweaking values as needed.

i still have to add an agent only based setting ,such that you only need to give agent radius and a few other settings ,because most of the advanced values for build settings can depend on agent values.

if you would like to test it , as a rough guide you can set cell size as, cell size=agent radius/2 , and cell height=cell size/2.

the inspector:

the inspector provides support ,for viewing the build navmesh ,in a defined area such that rendering performance can be increased by viewing smaller areas in larger worlds.

the inspector is tied to ,the draw-timer and tile-draw-distance.


provided in the extracted folder ,are these files:

cube.mdl - do not delete.

blueguard.mdl - a model to use for an agent test model , you can see the radius of the model against the border distance of walls , by clicking on the world models to place the agent test model,after loading the agent model .

large_build_settings.txt/normal_build_settings - pre-saved build settings example files , you can load these settings before pressing the build button.

LICENSE.txt - read this file for specifics on the licences of other software used by this tool.

navmesh plugin.dll - this is the plugin dll under developement for gamestudio a8 , it is used by the tool aswell as the game/application which need navigational mesh functionality.

test.3ds,test.dae,test.fbx,test.hmp,test.mdl,test.obj,test.wmb - these are test models to load in to the tool , for testing the file support and the navigational mesh build process, currently 3ds/obj are not to be used.

a simple example of a build process is as follows

open navedit.exe.
press ok.
click FILE on the menu.
select FBX file type.
open test.fbx.
select OKAY.

by holding the right mouse button on the editor screen(the black window area), and move the mouse ,you can change the view tilt/pan , and by using the W,S,A,D keys you can move the camera.

select FILE on the menu.
select OPEN BUILD SETTINGS and open normal_build_settings.txt.
press the BUILD button ,the navigational mesh should build and render the navmesh in the editor window.

thanks to anyone who happens to test it.

Compulsive compiler