
I cant find a notice, that the rate is only for audio in the manual or I need

I'm sure it doesn't, but I've been doing this for 14 years with this engine. But I was wrong!
So if I recall, it doesn't change play speed of video, or it doesn't do it in full screen. Again Wrong!
I believe that functionality has never been a part of the engine, just like seeking within the video time_stamps. More Wrong!

But it's easy to test, use the top 4 video formats. Try to slow each one. If all fail, it is not a function of the engine to change play speeds of videos. If one format passes, it's is not possible with the other formats, it's a format/codec limit. -- And I did it for you!

It is a basic game engine with functions to play video, not a video player app or editor app. If I prove to be correct, then you should need a dll extension for the functionality you want or to do it directly with direct x 9 code. Shut up Mal

"...rate the new playing speed OR sound frequency in percent..."
a media stream can be audio, video or still image, therefore not all features of the function apply to all media, you can not after all raise the volume of a still image or it's play speed/rate. Also your welcome to 'ask the developers' and 'blame the manual'
Even more WRONG!

If I get bored I'll run some test and even look for a dll that will give you this feature. If I get bored or time.
- And so I did, I except cash, gifts and sexual favors for my work .... lol jk

Last edited by Malice; 11/20/15 06:02.