I have had issue with some d3dx....dll not being bind to the publish. It runs in sed but the publish didn't get the dll. So I had to manually move it into the .cd folder. It pointed a error on the start screen, but loaded and crashed. But I can no longer repeat this error, may be fixed in last update.

Just because I have cover bases - when you publish, you get a *.exe in the work folder and one in the .cd folder. Not sure why there is one in the work folder, but it never works.. Make sure you are running it out of the .cd folder.

Further I may be wrong but check this note from STRING
Special characters within a string must be preceded by a '\': \n - Line feed; \\ - Backslash; \" - Quotation mark.

You code you seem to reverse this
//write each correct filename with foldername in string
		for(i = 0; i < count_filme; i++)
			tmp_str = str_create("filme/");

Needed A bad name in media instructions, damages file, corruptor missing codec, wrong container format(Does it still have to be box in a VFW ?), all could be a cause.

Further - app locked by security or AV programs ( we are doing all possibilities)

Curious - What is the behavior and status of the *.exe in windows task manager when run. - i.e "not responding", hogs cpu or ram, cause huge jumps in hdd read times? Or worse doesn't even pop up in Win task manager ?
EDIT - old or bad reg keys, as it's using the media player...Why not throw that out there
But after publish, it always dont work.
This is really not motivating when I imagine, I program a big game and it did not even start at the end or if I publish.

Really need more than "it didn't work", get a start screen? Get a crash w/error get a crash w/oError?

Also have you run it with the log file commandline ?

ok ok , I'm done.
We had some strange effects with resolution setting via sys_metrics.
Usually this is not a problem at all, but maybe replace it with video_mode = 12; for testing if this is causing the problem.

Try it in widow mode video_set(.....,2);
Ok that's my once over

Last edited by Malice; 11/16/15 23:07.