Other possibilities this function is being called to often-> path_setter();

a simple debug would be to make a global var , then in function path_setter();
v_global+=1; and in it's loop DEBUG_VAR(v_global,100);

In fact if I look close at the code you posted you call this function ->path_setter();
twice, however the function is a self contained loop, and so you have 2 instances of the same function running the same loop. That would cause my>NODE_NEXT to be set to odd values. Even explain the lock at node num 2.

one loop ready and up and one down while in the same cycle, causing no movement.

Solution -> remove the loop in function ->path_setter();
then it can be a call-out function called every frame by the other loop.

Last edited by Malice; 11/14/15 22:50.