I have a big problem and I really dont know, whats the problem here.

So if I test the script in SED, it works fine. If I publish it and test the main.exe on my pc, it all works fine.
If my friend test my published main.exe (on his pc with exact the same files and folders) it dont work. His system is the same, and the video card driver is the newest. The engine window doesnt popup and the "wait" cursor is showing. In taskmanager there is three times "main.exe" ...?

Here is the complete code of my main.c:

Click to reveal..
//gs includes
#include <acknex.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <default.c>

//including paths
#define PRAGMA_PATH "filme"
#define PRAGMA_PATH "pause"


FONT* exo_light = "exo_light#15";
FONT* exo_regular = "exo_regular#16";
FONT* exo_regular_big = "exo_regular#20";

var count_filme = 0;
var count_pause = 0;
var current_index = -1;
var mhandle = NULL;
var pause = 0;
var show_fn = 0;
VECTOR desktop_size;

STRING* count_filme_str = "";
STRING* nj_str = "Developed by NeoJones";

BMAP* nj_logo = "nj_logo.tga";

//text objects
TEXT* txt_label_filme = 
	string("Gefundene Filme (");
	pos_x = 30;
	pos_y = 30;
	font = exo_regular;
	size_x = 200;
	layer = 10;
TEXT* txt_filme = 
	strings = 100;
	pos_x = 30;
	pos_y = 60;
	font = exo_regular;
	layer = 10;
TEXT* txt_bilder_label = 
	pos_x = 500;
	pos_y = 30;
	font = exo_regular;
	layer = 10;
TEXT* txt_bilder = 
	strings = 100;
	pos_x = 500;
	pos_y = 60;
	font = exo_regular;
	layer = 10;

TEXT* txt_message = 
	string("Bitte die Enter-Taste drücken, um den Play-Modus zu aktivieren");
	font = exo_regular_big;
	flags = CENTER_X;

PANEL* pause_pan =
  layer = 9;

PANEL* nj_logo_pan =
	digits(25,60, 5 ,exo_regular_big,1,nj_str);
	bmap = nj_logo;
  layer = 9;
  flags = CENTER_X;

function show_filenames()
		//show or hide filenames on key_d
			while (key_d == 1) { wait(1); }
			if(show_fn == 0)
				show_fn = 1;
				set(txt_label_filme, SHOW);
				set(txt_filme, SHOW);
				set(txt_bilder_label, SHOW);
				set(txt_bilder, SHOW);
				show_fn = 0;
				reset(txt_label_filme, SHOW);
				reset(txt_filme, SHOW);
				reset(txt_bilder_label, SHOW);
				reset(txt_bilder, SHOW);

function start()
	//search files in folder "filme"
	count_filme = txt_for_dir(txt_filme,"filme\\*.wmv"); 
	//save the number of files as text
	str_cat((txt_label_filme.pstring)[0], count_filme_str);
	str_cat((txt_label_filme.pstring)[0], "):");
	//search images in folder "pause"
	count_pause = txt_for_dir(txt_bilder,"pause\\*.jpg"); 
	// stop here, if no files in folder
	if(count_pause > 0 && count_filme > 0) 
		STRING* tmp_str = "";
		var i;
		//write each correct filename with foldername in string
		for(i = 0; i < count_filme; i++)
			tmp_str = str_create("filme/");
			str_cat(tmp_str, (txt_filme.pstring)[i]);
			str_cpy((txt_filme.pstring)[i], tmp_str);
		tmp_str = str_create("pause/");
		str_cat(tmp_str, (txt_bilder.pstring)[0]);
		str_cpy((txt_bilder.pstring)[0], tmp_str);
		str_cpy(tmp_str, (txt_bilder.pstring)[0]);
		BMAP* pause_bmap = bmap_create(tmp_str);
		while(pause_bmap == NULL){wait(1);}
		pause_pan.bmap = pause_bmap;
		//set correct panel sizes and positions
		pause_pan.scale_x = screen_size.x/bmap_width(pause_pan.bmap);
		pause_pan.scale_y = screen_size.y/bmap_height(pause_pan.bmap);
		txt_message.size_x = screen_size.x;
		txt_message.size_y = screen_size.y;
		txt_message.pos_x = screen_size.x/2;
		txt_message.pos_y = screen_size.y/2;
		nj_logo_pan.pos_x = (screen_size.x/2)-25;
		nj_logo_pan.pos_y = screen_size.y-120;
		//show logo, message and wait for the enter key
		set(nj_logo_pan, SHOW);
		set(txt_message, SHOW);
		while (key_enter == 0) { wait(1); }
		//show or hide correct panels and textobjects
		reset(txt_label_filme, SHOW);
		reset(txt_filme, SHOW);
		reset(txt_bilder_label, SHOW);
		reset(txt_bilder, SHOW);
		reset(txt_message, SHOW);
		reset(nj_logo_pan, SHOW);
		set(pause_pan, SHOW);
		//wait, if enter is pressed
		while (key_enter == 1) { wait(1); }
			//play next movie on key enter
				while (key_enter == 1) { wait(1); }
				if(current_index == count_filme)
					current_index = 0;
				reset(pause_pan, SHOW);
				mhandle = media_play((txt_filme.pstring)[current_index],NULL,100);
			//play or pause the movie on key space and show or hide the pause image
				while (key_space == 1) { wait(1); }
				if(media_playing(mhandle) != 0)
					if(pause == 0)
						pause = 1;
						set(pause_pan, SHOW);
						pause = 0;
						reset(pause_pan, SHOW);
			//restart current movie 
				while (key_bksp == 1) { wait(1); }
				mhandle = media_play((txt_filme.pstring)[current_index],NULL,100);
			//show pause image after playing a movie
			if(pause == 0 && media_playing(mhandle) == 0)
				set(pause_pan, SHOW);


function main()
	//standart optionen setzen
	fps_max = 60;
	text_outline = 30;		
	sky_color.red = 1;
	sky_color.green = 1;
	sky_color.blue = 1;
	//desktopauflösung ermitteln
	desktop_size.x = sys_metrics(0);
	desktop_size.y = sys_metrics(1);
	//auf ermittelte oder gespeicherte auflösung umschalten
	//start functions

Can it be, that i have problems with my script why it doesnt work on his pc?
I really dont know...

Last edited by NeoJones; 11/12/15 20:35.

Errors are the engine of progress.

Version: A8 Commercial
OS: Win 7 64bit
Models: Cinema 4D