Originally Posted By: Ch40zzC0d3r
I had a simple .net program which should read the bytes of a file and write them to a text file. It ran for around 5 hours where my C++ programm took 3 seconds...

No one commented on that yet?! WTF did you do?!?!?! 5 hours for something that should be IO bound and fast no matter what language you use?! This is the most ridiculous and ludicrous thing I have ever read, even in the completely interpreted world of Python you won't see such a performance discrepancy. And that is Python, we are talking about the CLR which is actually compiled to native machine code!

Like... Either you are bullshitting, or you were trying to be heavily biased in favour of C++ and made the C# version slow on purpose. My money is on the former.

Sorry, I didn't make it further than this post in the thread (minus some quick skimming of the thread to make sure no one commented on this gem yet). I'll have to leave again, my brain left out of my ear and I'm afraid I'll have to go and catch it again before I become a stumbling, mumbling idiot.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com