Lol, wrote a really long boring post grin

Gotta go to bed, so in short, DC is a structure that contains other stuff, like the bitmap data being displayed in our Acknex window, so GetDC will work on a handle (a Windows handle) of the window and will return a handle to the device context (structure of data about our window). Then, we know the space in memory that holds what is being drawn on our window... With some core functions we can get access to the bits by giving the device context handle to them...from what I understood...

By the way, someone reported bitblt function (image copy in memory) took more than 30ms each time, so 60fps wont cut it. Another guy mentions LockBits being faster and with manual control, but I have to see how I can use it on the buffer (he's giving a Bitmap structure as an example...)

Gotta go, really laugh

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