In my link run the other day I found people - locking the d3d backbuffer and streaming it by H264 . - Noting the locking to be a bottle neck and also noting that there is no way in dx9 to grab the front buffer.

I can try and grab more of those links with examples if you like. However, I don't want to add more confusion and a different path to your already deep woods.

PS.: And, another quick question, haven't asked google yet, but how do I get the device context that the Acknex uses? Didn't find any pointers in the manual... Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Manual of note
The LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pointer to the created z buffer is available through the render_zbuffer variable.

LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 and IDIRECT3DSURFACE9 seem analog.So I'm not sure if this is
LPDirect3DDevice9->GetBackBuffer() to obtain the back buffer surface
- use LPDirect3DSurface9->GetDC() to obtain the device context.

None dx9

EDIT2 - and just thinking -is possible? create bmap_zbuffer, render screen to it. Then stream that.

Last edited by Malice; 11/03/15 18:41.