Ok, my quest continues laugh

It appears bitmap is a bitmap, there's only a difference in the order of storage as bits...(top to bottom or bottom to top).

After more reading, on Microsoft, I found out that a bitmap is represented by COLORREF objects representing 3 8-bit integers for the color and one unused 8-bit before them in hexadecimal format, that HeelX demonstrates how to disassemble into rgb values (0-255) with Get macros to a var.

I could pack that into a struct and send it through a socket to python, which could be assembled into a wxPython type and displayed on screen:
wxBitmap is intended to be a wrapper of whatever is the native image format that is quickest/easiest to draw to a DC or to be the target of the drawing operations performed on a wxMemoryDC. By splitting the responsibilities between wxImage/wxBitmap like this then it's easier to use generic code shared by all platforms and image types for generic operations and platform specific code where performance or compatibility is needed.

Afaik wxImage is data representing a platform independent image. It contains a class RGBValue:
class RGBValue
A simple class which stores red, green and blue values as 8 bit unsigned integers in the range of 0-255.

So, I now only have to test it somehow, without having my raspbian booted up grin and convert somehow the data into an wxImage to be displayed by a DC.

If anyone has any ideas, feel free to express yourself grin

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