Well What can I say about this thread... Um sorry, seems the drinks are winning these days, and I'm whining these days. Drunk behind the keyboard, but at least it wasn't an angry rant this time. It's personal issues leaking into my internet life. I'm not having the best ride at the moment with social and personal relations in real life.

Thank you to @All for the support, and my apologizes.

Or did you drink budweiser or schultenbrau or such?

And much , much more, seems it's been a week long bender. I've had my fill for a few months it seems.
Certainly your nationality is an insult for all over the world [/trolling]

Lol I know , however my national-arrogance demands I beam with pride and start a chant of "U.S.A, U.S.A......" Lol.
that's why i will thank you for your effort and your time

Thank you for the reminder. I forget that at least on this forum, I can make a difference for others.

Blame google trans - Drunk Narr Beiträge, weint, weil sein Privatleben nicht gut geht. Er überträgt diese Fragen in diesem Forum und seine Mitglieds, zu Unrecht.
and who will stand up for the smurfs if I don't.

This world isn't big enough for Mankind and Smurfkind. In the end , there can be only one...
Anyway I am sure no one dislikes you , sometimes your worst enemy can be your own thoughts .

You nailed it, to many drinks, to much thinking, way to much feeling.
Speaking of, if you ever feel like getting shithammered again and get a round of the feels, visit me in the UK, there's tons of pubs here.

Wish I could, maybe one day. Till then stuck in small-town hell, Texas lol.

Thank you all for the humor, support, and just not blasting me for acting out.

Humbly apologetic