Well then Fox, I'd personally try every other bug test first.

To test the .png problem, I'd cut your program down( comment out) to core animation systems only ( down to base run functions) then run it using the current or more number of .png. I'd try to break it with fulling it with .png's .

If it failed to crash loading and reloading and level-changing( or level changing like actions) using double or 4* the .png's then .png is most likely not the problem.

.png , you can use what you have , but simply create a copy of every .png in windows explorer, then you have double.

However this will not rule out other causes of crashes in the base function code.

Another debug test - If you are runtime loading and purging image files, add a debug function that records them into a txt file write img name on load and on purge . It may be possible to track down the last 30 images load and crash for bad textures. Txt should also record if img is set show/ ~show.

I can think of a lot more, use File_write as the first line in every loop, then you have a record of the last loop to fire before the crash, or in other-words - what ever is triggering on/after the crash wait(1).

Anyway good luck