I use WED regions and lite-C region functionality pretty much all the time and I know of some other users who do so, too.
Currently, when you have overlapping regions for different purposes (such as pathfinding, triggers, sound or enemy areas, ...) region_find() does not bring you very far at it only returns one of them (assuming the position is contained in those regions). I suggest to add a new function:

region_find2(STRING* name, STRING* filter/ prefix, var num, VECTOR* pos)

The function only searches for regions starting with "filter", like "reg_pf_" or something like that. "num" can be used to find more regions at the same position instead of only the first region by incrementing "num" and calling the function repeatedly, similar to region_get().

Additionally, region_find2() may need another var* parameter or a var return value (or a global variable set) as region_find() does not return the number of the region when there are more regions with the same name - which is quite inconvenient (for subsequent region_get() calls)!

Thanks for your time.

EDIT: I just wanted to write a workaround function/ system but I cannot get the names of all regions in the level, right? I can get the number and dimensions via region_get() but apparently not the names.

Last edited by Superku; 10/07/15 16:55.

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