@Kartoffel - Thanks for bring this out the muddy water of my guessing.
If this is a as you say
Antialiasing doesn't affect texture quality

Does that make the quad surface a texture in the nature of engine entities? So can his quad use some kind of manipulation of the mip-map system to blur the texture when he "zooms - out" or rather scales down the quad?

Of course that would not give great results.

@O.P> bmap_rendertarget leads to view.bmap http://www.conitec.net/beta/aview-bmap.htm
which leads to bmap_zbuffer(BMAP*)
which leads to render_zbuffer

This chain, as I understand is a way to create a render target larger then the screen and render into a bmap larger then screen. However this my just be my confusion.

Also not sure how you create a engine-ambiguous 2d game using any 3dgs engine commands. Wouldn't you need to write it directly in openGl. also is it even possible to create a web based game and windows game with the same code in any library?

But ok, Have fun!