Ok some more info I should have looked up

Global antialiasing settings in the 3D card settings menu will make panels and bitmap fonts look blurry, depending on the 3D hardware and driver version. Use only d3d_antialias for scene antialiasing.


Now I can assume somethings. Panels are created with dx9 function. Direct_3d because direct_draw was removed. To get a good understand I'd have to ask the dev. There are some flag like settings I found looking up d3dx9 and maybe this filter flag is just on of them. I assume we can access dx9 so should be able to it turn a anti aliasing for d3d quid. But I'm all guessing
This 'doesn't seem to apply https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb173422(v=vs.85).aspx
Possibly helpful -> http://www.gamedev.net/topic/504543-antialiased-text-rendering-d3dx9/
possibly helpful ->http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13912482/turn-on-anti-aliasing-in-d3d9
Maybe HelpFul -> http://sofb.developer-works.com/article/24817283/turn+on+anti+aliasing+in+d3d9%3F