There is lot to reading the sections before the programming stuff that actual talk about the engine systems like rendering and light management.

From there reading the manual can become dizzying at first. Not only do you have to do the lite-c tutorials, you also must read manual entries, and follow the links at the bottom to see how things connect. The beginning of each section actual has a overview which must be read before the commands to shed light on the sections.

so here is the problem beginners have. They don't want to learn the commands and how they link together at all. In fact they start by trying to create a project of any size. i.e. "I want to make the player walk around with gravity and jump."
Really they should start by saying " I want to try everything I can till I understand how this one command 'c_move' works."
While learning c_move, they will read the manual section over and over, experiment with all the flags and test the effects of values inside the argument structure( If you do not know what a argument is, it is in the manual before any read commands and can also be goggled "what is a c argument" or such). Not even moving a player, just a block. learning everything there is about c_move.
Once they understand the external links will start to fill in the blanks.
This also leads to there next experiment, if you read the c_move flags you will question ACTIVE_SHOOT and this my lead you to test the event syytem and commands.

The other thing me and 3Run and tons of others have learned(@txesmi , I didn't put you here because from what I've seen over the years your just damn brilliant). You learn tons actually diving into the manual and experimenting to solve issue form the forum. Fact is 10 years and i didn't know the answer to most question for the first 5 or so. I would see a question and attack the answer trying to figure it out.
In the old days some many user where here, you had to race and figure things out fast to be the first to solve it. And I always lost the race, however I also learned the solutions. Not because I read them from other users post and remembered, but because, I was a racer and solving them myself. So I never lost the real race.So if you look at alot of my questions over the time, they are not typical, in fact most are math issues from poor math skills, or just the need for fresh eyes to see a mistake I keep passing over.

And that is why I commend you RealSpawn on attacking the mouse path. This is the best way to learn commands.

Learning programming and logic come latter. And we are happy to help and I personal, having watch the evolution of so many users, am actually delighted to see you grow.

You will learn logic at the same time, if you are told how to look for it and think about it. It starts to over take commands and solving problems, it becomes how many ways can i design a code block to solve a problem and which is fastest, cheapest, best (not always the same solution) .

I am schooled every time by far betters then me, and when it happens they actual give me there brilliance. For free! recently I answered one of your post about locking to the y-axis and learned a much better way.

Anyway this is now the size of a damn blog post.

Please keep going, and remember that the painter because most creative when he has master the paint, brush and canvass.