I am doing a series of videos with basic stuff in lite_c
so nothing complicated but purely stuff people can try out
right away. Fun for me to do and perhaps usefull for beginners.
I'll try to handle the stuff that is most asked in the forum
time after time so sometimes i will ask stuff in this forum to for one of the videos any help is apreciated and you will be
mentioned in the video laugh

Video 01. Main, graphics and panels :

Video 02. While, pan,tilt,roll

Video 03. Simple basic movement tilting on slopes with a big thank you to Malice

Video 04. Ingame music and sound FX, pause function, random music & sound / entity sounds

Video 05. Pointers and all camera views

Video 06. Creating paths in wed and make models move over them
with a big thank you to txesmi

Video 07. Movement with us of animation with a big thank you to 3RUN

Video 08. Mouse cursor / Mouse_mode click-touch-release

Video 09. Animated and static sprites / Simple use of skycubes

Video 10. Variables used for score/ true type fonts / Picking up stuff / Random spawner object

Video 11. Buttons and functions. Webacces by button

set the YouTube settings on HD so you can actual read all laugh
for those who enjoy it let me know as i will create more videos.

Last edited by Realspawn; 09/14/15 12:30.

Find all my tutorials & Workshops at : www.rp-interactive.nl

Creativity starts in the brain