I'm trying to read in the contents of a CSV file and use those contents to set up certain parameters in a script. I've modeled my script after the example on the Data Import/Export page in the manual - Data Import-Export - but am having trouble with the sscanf function. I would like to read the floating point numbers in the 4th and 6th columns, but my script seems to return values of 0 and results in Error 111: Crash in script. I have set the data type to float as per the manual.

Running Zorro in diagnostics mode doesn't reveal the reason for the crash,but when I comment out the sscanf lines, the crash doesn't happen.

Any suggestions? I have just started learning about string operations in C, so the error might be obvious to an advanced user.
Here is my script and CSV file:
string Name = "Data\\tradeList.csv";  // name of the CSV file

string readTrade(string csv,
	string*	tAsset,
	string*	tType,
	float*	tLots,
	float* tStop
	string nextline = strstr(csv,"\n");
	if(nextline) nextline++;
	string separator = strstr(csv,",");
	if(separator) separator = ",";
	else separator = ";"; 
	*tAsset = strtok(csv,separator); //symbol
	if(!*tAsset) return nextline;
	strtok(0,separator); // expiry
	*tType = strtok(0,separator); // action: buy or sell
	sscanf(strtok(0,separator),"%f", &tLots); //quantity in standard lots
	strtok(0,separator); // order type
	sscanf(strtok(0,separator),"%f", &tStop); //aux price
	return nextline;
function run()
//	StartDate = STARTDATE;
	LookBack = 0;
	if(is(LOOKBACK) || is(TRADING))
		quit("File not found!");
	string content = file_content(Name);
	string tAsset = "",tType = "";
	float tLots;
	float tStop;
	while(content) {
		content = readTrade(content,&tAsset,&tType,&tLots,&tStop);
		printf("\n%s %s %f %f", tAsset, tType, tLots, tStop);


Attached Files
tradeList.rar (7 downloads)