@Malice your post is kinda offensive. This has nothing to do with people being lazy, instead it is all about money and time. A single custom character with animations at a high quality will usually take several days and depending on different factors it can also take a lot longer than that. As a result such a model will always cost at least a few hundred bucks and most people are not willing to pay that.
But if you want something custom and are willing to pay for it just contact someone selling packs and I am sure they will help you.

About the pricing discussion: I think 29$ for a pack might be fine, especially because the quality is above average. But paying more then 100$ for a pack is something the majority of people probably won't do. I would buy any of those packs if I really needed them, but I would for example just buy them if they would cost only 20$ even though I don't have a specific use case.