You know why this engine is not being developed, why jcl can not fund improvements. it is simple, you lone wolf ass holes don't produce shit.
Can't decide on a idea, can not draw up designs, can't work with or develop teams.
Can't produce shit??

Fucking hobbyist. Nothing and I mean no fucking thing in this world was ever made by one man. You jack ass' ! Group up. team up, get a producer like me and make something. Any fucking thing!
20 damn games and 5 fuck success rock this engine back to life.
People once asked jcl if they could help develop the engine and he said " just focus on making games" well he was right!
Where the fuck is Sid's and slin's engine and why the fuck can't they lend there God given genius to producing something fucking substantial from this engine.

You all a bunch of noise to me. 10 years trouble shooting cry fucking babies code. Where did I learn, solving bitch ass problem for bitchs that have fallen by the wayside. I know the names for many member long loged off this forum.

Make something , sell something and do it soon or just kiss the fucking engine go bye.

Fuck you