Quick update!

Hey guys,

For 3 days only (July 24-27), I'm putting the Kingdom of Light Basic, Standard, & Premium Edition at a HUGE discount. Don't let the low prices fool you, this is a great sounding underscore for an amazing deal. If you're in the market for a professional soundtrack for your epic fantasy adventure game now or in the future, you won't want to miss out on this deal.

SITE: http://bonixmusic.com/kingdom-of-light

REVIEWS: http://bonixmusic.com/reviews

FREE VERSION: http://bonixmusic.com/kingdom-of-light-free-edition

Premium Edition includes the following with 3 hours of cinematic music:

Time of Day / Dungeon & Caves / Special Cues / Combat / Town & Taverns / Mystical / Themes / Shadow Kingdom / Haunted Nature

Thanks for checking it out and best to you and your projects!

*Need custom music? Please don't hesitate to contact me about your project and needs. I work within various budgets.
