OOP isn't really hard to understand and I am sure you'll be able to pick it up as you work on something. More important and harder to understand are pointers and references and how to setup a project to use external libraries. If you handle that stuff in c++, it will be a lot easier everywhere else. Also while pointers may not seem that important anymore, they are just one of those basics that provide you a more indepth understand of how things work which will even help you in languages that don't have this concept.
I am sure there are a couple more things like that, just can't think of any at the moment... But if you get started on something with C++ I am sure you will encounter most of the important things.

Lite-C isn't exactly harder or easier than Unity C# for example, just different and in my opinion a better start for the basics.
When I learned C++ with only C-Script and Lite-C experience I could just start on a project and most things just made sense and some concepts were new, but I was able to just learn new things as I was using it.
I read a couple of C++ books before that though and had a not very satisfying history of command line calculators wink