I've been having similar ongoing issues. It really took me by surprise too. I've tried to keep track of some of the issues I've found on this thread:


and this one:


So far, I've been able to fix a bunch of things, and the published version almost completely works, but there are still some crashes that don't seem related to my script at all. For instance, one function that calls up a panel works, but another function that calls up a similar panel will crash, for no apparent reason. In some cases, simply renaming the function will cause it to work, which means there is some other underlying problem that I'm not aware of.

I tend to think that you're right, and the compiler should be able to run the game from my script, since it works in WED. But then, I'm not a professional programmer, and I can't be sure that I haven't done some mistake in my script. It's frustrating, for sure, but I have learned a lot laugh