Originally Posted By: Reconnoiter
Quick question; are gs3d's http and sockets functions somewhat secure?

To tag on to what Firo said, sockets aren't inherently secure either. But protocols on top of sockets can be secure, like for example HTTPS and SFTP.

Originally Posted By: DLively
So why is a dll more secure? or is it even? Because I can download software to open a dll, and then just find security information that way..

A DLL is not secure. That's not why you should use a DLL. You should use a DLL to use a secure protocol to get the data, namely HTTPS, because this functionality can't be found in Gamestudio. HTTPS does not require credentials that you have to put in the DLL, but HTTPS provides you with means to be sure that data is not tampered with. And, again, use certificate pinning to pin the server certificate. Otherwise, if you just accept any valid certificate, you are still suspicable to man in the middle attacks. And of course on the plus side, since you are no longer relying on the chain of trust to trust your server, you can use a self signed certificate which saves you a couple of bucks.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
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