It looks like MED doesn't has an export to .obj format though, only import (could be I am overlooking it though, there is some stuff of exporting it too ASC [text format] though).

Anyway since .obj is so easy to export to with almost every program, I think an ent_create with .obj would be a very nice feature to have (even though it is limited to non-animated models I think).

I also saw that ent_create should be able to place .x models (direct x format), which would also be interesting but to a lesser degree since it is more difficult to export to than .obj. I have found this nice little website though where one can import many model formats and export them to some (.x included but sadly not .mdl). Though the ent_create did not work too with the .x format. So perhaps I am just doing something wrong? I will try to export .obj with some other programs and see how that works.