I think MED cannot be shared in your package but you can post a link to download 3dgs free, where MED is included.
by the way Fragmotion can do it mostly fine with animations, it is free for a month and if you type in a weekly christian prayer text you can use it for free (50USD if you buy it).
(Milkshape and UltimateUnwrap3D also can do it but users should buy them...)

I'm not sure but ent_create might work with .obj, at least it works with .x (not perfectly). From the manual:

The following file formats are supported: wmb (map entities), hmp (terrain), mdl, x, obj (models), tga, pcx, bmp, dds (sprites). Note that some formats have restrictions, f.i. the obj format requires loading the skin through ent_setskin, and the compressed dds format offers no access to single pixels of the bitmap. A cache with hash function is used for storing the file when it was already loaded before; for this, file names must not exceed 30 characters.

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor