I had similar problems with map entities, and even with models converted from map entities having polygonal collision. In MapBuilder player test I solved it by using an additional forward c_trace that if hits something, movement is prevented. Bigger collision box could result in ugly gameplay behaviour. Search for "// allow no bad collision with small polygon models" section:

action PlayarTest01_Wizard_Walk()
	// events
	my.event = PlayarTest01_Wizard_Hit;
	my.emask |= ENABLE_IMPACT;   
//	wait(3);
//	printf("player init");
	// set z always by c_tracing
	VECTOR vFeet;
	c_trace(vector(my.x, my.y, 5000.0), vector(my.x, my.y, -1000.0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_CONTENT | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_POLYGON | USE_BOX);		// | USE_BOX for smoother ground detection
			my.z = hit.z - vFeet.z;
	// boundary box

	my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW; 				// set both flags to prevent automatic recalculation on scale changes
	vec_set(my.min_x,vector(-8,-8, -3)); 	// better step if xy are lower and z is higher - but worse small wall detection
	vec_set(my.max_x,vector(16, 8, 32));	// better step if x is lower
//	vec_set(my.max_x,vector(25,8,30));		// no wall penetration
	// material settings
	my.ambient = 12;	// 0..100, 10 = 25.5 in 0..255
//	my.material = mtl_model;
	// normalmapped
	playermat = mtl_create();
	vec_set(playermat.ambient_blue, mat_model.ambient_blue);
	vec_set(playermat.diffuse_blue, mat_model.diffuse_blue);
	vec_set(playermat.specular_blue, mat_model.specular_blue);
	vec_set(playermat.emissive_blue, mat_model.emissive_blue);
	playermat.power = mat_model.power;
	playermat.albedo = mat_model.albedo;
	effect_load(playermat, "sc_obj_modelN_MB.fx");					// the correct normal mapping shader okay with scsm or without
	my.material = playermat;
	// flags
// set FLAG2 to make the wizard detectable by c_scan, 
// and store the wizard pointer in its own CREATOR skill 
// so that the detecting entity knows its enemy	
	set(my, FLAG2 | SHADOW);
   my.CREATOR = me;         
	my.STATE = 1;
//	printf("player ready");
	var distance 			= 0;
	var jump_in_progress = 0;
	var actual_gravity	= 0;	
	while (UIMode==(var)UIMODE_PLAYTEST01)
		// state 1: walking 
		if (my.STATE == 1)
			my.ANIMATION %= 100;
			// rotate the entity with the arrow keys     
			if ((window_focus) && (mouse_valid))
					my.pan += (key_a-key_d)*5*time_step;
//					// or rotate with collision to avoid going through polygon thin walls at mesh borders
//					var rot_angle = (key_a-key_d)*5*time_step;
//					c_rotate(me, vector(rot_angle, 0, 0), IGNORE_PASSABLE);		
			// move the entity forward/backward with the arrow keys
			if (jump_in_progress == (var)0)										// keep previous distance during jump
					distance	= 0;
					if ((window_focus) && (mouse_valid))
							distance = (key_w-key_s) * time_step;														
							if ((key_shift) && (distance > 0))					// only forward
									distance *= play01_runspeed;
							else if ((key_ctrl) && (distance != (var)0))		// moving
									distance *= play01_crawlspeed;																		
									distance *= play01_walkspeed;
							if (key_ctrl)
									// smaller bbox
									vec_set(my.min_x,vector(-8,-8, -12)); 
									vec_set(my.max_x,vector(16, 8, 20));	
									// standard bbox
									vec_set(my.min_x,vector(-8,-8, -3)); 	
									vec_set(my.max_x,vector(16, 8, 32));	
			// simple move
//			c_move(me, vector(distance,0,0), NULL, GLIDE | IGNORE_PASSABLE );
			// prevent under water movement
			VECTOR temp_vec;
			vec_set(temp_vec, vector(distance, 0, 0));
			vec_rotate(temp_vec, my.pan);
			vec_add(temp_vec, my.x);
			VECTOR temp2_vec;
			vec_set(temp2_vec, vector(temp_vec.x, temp_vec.y, temp_vec.z - 1000.0));
			c_trace(temp_vec, temp2_vec, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_POLYGON);		// | USE_BOX for smoother ground detection
			var water_hit = -1000;
			if (HIT_TARGET)
					water_hit = hit.z;
#ifdef PLAY01_DEBUG			
			// debug - ok
			draw_line3d(temp_vec, NULL, 100);
			draw_line3d(temp2_vec, COLOR_WHITE, 100);
			// allow no bad collision with small polygon models
			vec_set(temp_vec, vector(my.max_x*sign(distance),0,0));		// *sign(distance) needed to check forward or backward move
			vec_rotate(temp_vec, my.pan);
			vec_add(temp_vec, my.x);
			temp_vec.z += my.min_z;
//			vec_set(temp2_vec, vector(my.x, my.y, my.z+my.min_z));
			vec_set(temp2_vec, vector(my.min_x*sign(distance),0,0));		// *sign(distance) needed to check forward or backward move
			vec_rotate(temp2_vec, my.pan);
			vec_add(temp2_vec, my.x);
			temp2_vec.z += my.min_z;
			var polygon_hit = c_trace(temp2_vec, temp_vec, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_POLYGON);				
#ifdef PLAY01_DEBUG				
			// debug - ok
			draw_line3d(temp_vec, NULL, 100);
			draw_line3d(temp2_vec, COLOR_RED, 100);
			// gravity						
			var move_z	= 0;			
			// ground
			var grounddist = c_trace(my.x, vector(my.x, my.y, my.z-10000), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE);
			// acceleration - if ground is lower or jumping
			if((grounddist + vFeet.z > 0) || (actual_gravity < 0))
					actual_gravity += play01_gravity_force * time_step;
					// apply acceleration
					move_z -= minv(actual_gravity * time_step, grounddist + vFeet.z);
					actual_gravity = 0;
					move_z = (hit.z - vFeet.z) - my.z;
//					move_z -= grounddist + vFeet.z;
			// jump by acceleration
			if ((window_focus) && (mouse_valid))
							// allow jump
							if(grounddist + vFeet.z - minv(actual_gravity * time_step, grounddist + vFeet.z) == (var)0)
									actual_gravity = -play01_jumpspeed;
									jump_in_progress = 1;
			my.z += move_z;
			// do move if allowed
			if (
					(water_hit > -GetMapTileSize()) 
						(polygon_hit > (var)GetMapTileSize() * 0.71)							// polygone detection HIT_TARGET and it is far enough
						(polygon_hit <= (var)0)														// no polygon detection HIT_TARGET
					c_move(me, vector(distance,0,0), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE);		// | USE_POLYGON	| GLIDE
			// adjust entity to the ground height, using a downwards trace
//			c_trace(my.x, vector(my.x, my.y, my.z-1000), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE);
//			my.z = hit.z - vFeet.z; 																				// always place player's feet on the ground
//			// smoother on-stairs movement, slower (but still ugly) falling - some underground placement errors... XXX
//			c_trace(vector(my.x, my.y, my.z), vector(my.x, my.y, my.z - 1000.0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE);		// | USE_BOX for smoother ground detection
//			if (HIT_TARGET)
//				{
//					my.z = smooth(hit.z - vFeet.z, 0.50);
//				}
			// animate the entity    
//			my.ANIMATION += 2*distance;
//			ent_animate(me,"walk",my.ANIMATION,ANM_CYCLE);
			var anim = sign(distance);					// forward or backward move
			ent_animate(me,NULL,0,0); 					// reset all bones
			if (jump_in_progress)												// jump
					my.ANIMATION += 7*time_step;
					ent_animate(me, "jump", my.ANIMATION, NULL);		
					if (my.ANIMATION >= (var)100)
							jump_in_progress = 0;
							my.ANIMATION %= 100;
			else if ((key_shift) && (anim))									// run
					my.ANIMATION += 10*time_step*anim;
					ent_animate(me, "run", my.ANIMATION, ANM_CYCLE);
					my.ANIMATION %= 100;
			else if ((key_ctrl) && (anim))									// crawl, move
					my.ANIMATION += 4*time_step*anim;
					ent_animate(me, "crawl", my.ANIMATION, ANM_CYCLE);
					my.ANIMATION %= 100;
			else if ((key_ctrl) && (!anim))									// crawl, no move
					ent_animate(me, "crawl", my.ANIMATION, NULL);
			else if (anim)															// walk
					my.ANIMATION += 10*time_step*anim;
					ent_animate(me, "walk", my.ANIMATION, ANM_CYCLE);
					my.ANIMATION %= 100;
			else																		// no move, no jump, no crawl
					my.ANIMATION += 3*time_step;
					ent_animate(me, "lstand", my.ANIMATION, ANM_CYCLE);
					my.ANIMATION %= 100;
			ent_animate(me, "wpose", my.ANIMATION, ANM_ADD);			
			// key e pressed -> go to state 2
			if ((key_e) && ((window_focus) && (mouse_valid)))			
					my.ANIMATION = 0;
					my.STATE = 2;
		// state 2: casting a spell 
		if (my.STATE == 2) 
//			my.ANIMATION += 8*time_step;
//			ent_animate(me,"attack",my.ANIMATION,0);
//			if (my.ANIMATION > 100) 
				{ // create the spell and go to state 3
	//				ent_create("spell.mdl",vector(my.x,my.y,my.z+20), PlayarTest01_Spell_Fly);
					VECTOR vGunEnd;
					ent_create("spell.mdl",vGunEnd, PlayarTest01_Spell_Fly);
					my.ANIMATION = 0;
					my.STATE = 3;
		// state 3: waiting for key release 
		if (my.STATE == 3) 
			if (!key_e) 
//					my.ANIMATION += 3*time_step;
//					ent_animate(me,NULL,0,0); 	
//					ent_animate(me,"lstand",my.ANIMATION,0);
//					ent_animate(me,"reload",my.ANIMATION,ANM_ADD);
//	//				my.ANIMATION += 8*time_step;
//	//				ent_animate(me,"reload",my.ANIMATION,0);
//					if (my.ANIMATION > 100) 
						my.STATE = 1; 											// when key was released, back to state 1
//			my.STATE = 1; 														// fast shooting test
		// state 4: death animation 
		if (my.STATE == 4) 
			play01_winner = 2; // other wizard won
			my.ANIMATION += 3*time_step; 
			if (my.ANIMATION > 70)
//		// create decal as shadow
//		c_trace(my.x,vector(my.x,my.y,my.z-100) , IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_CONTENT | IGNORE_PASSABLE | IGNORE_FLAG2  | IGNORE_SPRITES | SCAN_TEXTURE );		
//		if (HIT_TARGET)
//			{
//				PARTICLE* shadow_p = ent_decal(you,shadow_bmp,(abs(me.max_x)+abs(me.max_y)+abs(me.max_z)),0);			// A7
//				shadow_p.material = mtl_decalshadow; 																								// assign another material when contact material is not suitable for decals like terraintex.fx
//				set(shadow_p,TRANSLUCENT);
//				shadow_p.alpha = 50;						
//				shadow_p.lifespan = 0.01;				
//			}
		PlayarTest01_Camera_Follow(me);			// own camera

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor