And everything comes down to the design document grin If it is a full explanation of the features, theme and mechanics, nobody would be the boss, but just do what the document says...But, design documents are rarely extensive.

There have been times when I was looking for help and people laughed at me, some because of my design document (or lack of), some from arrogance...

A bulgarian was looking for help, years ago, on a project with 3DGS. I offered my help (I was the only other Bulgarian with skills in 3DGS) and he said I was incompetent, before actualy seeing anything... After two months he dropped his project. I published mine a month ago...

My point is, that, many people are arrogant these days. No body likes to work for free. And thats one of the reasons teams dont exist here.

But, I'm hoping that if I get a good playable demo I will be able to attract a free good modeller & animator some day... Until then, I'm constantly browsing YouTube for tuts on 3ds grin

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: