I wanted to list the current features of my version of acknex unlimited. But until I have more done and upload it, I would first like to get some feedback on ideas that the community has regarding a new design and what feature the community would like to hopefully see.

My current File structure :
1. acknex_unlimited.html
2. AU_file_viewer.html
3. evoeontheme.min.css
4. AU_database.js

1. 100% responsive design and optimized for speed.
2. A single html document controls the entire AU website (without iframes).
3. Auto-sorting responsive item lists for easy management of contributions.
4. Sub-category system that filters based on type.
5. Javascript database for management of all contribution data.
6. Universal file viewer for displaying data of selected contributions.

new features that I would like to add are :

1. Special theme changer to alter the main colors, style, and certain images. 2 to 4 Skins. Easily Selected from menu. Local storage saves the settings so it does not reset.

2. A marketplace example using the 3dgamestudio engine that links to conitec checkout pages. To show that we don't need to integrate it, instead we just link to original share it pages. Conitec or shareit could host the commercial products, while the website markets and links to checkout.

what are some more ideas that the community would like to see?