I've noticed some collusion problems recently in my several prototypes, and as far I as know, I'm not the only one facing exactly the same problem, so I've decided to report this as a bug, cause it's seems to be one.

I don't really know what it's related to, but moving entity get's stuck while moving close to the walls and edges. I also noticed that it get's stuck in those lines (tessellation, on the screen below), maybe it's related to problems with block normals, I'm not sure.

Anyway, I've made a simple demo, that shows the problem and uploaded a video:
Youtube video

On the video you can see the input so you are aware that I'm not moving against the cube, but just trying to get straight ahead near by the cube. You can also notice that 'AUCH' appearing in the upper left corner, that text is triggered by the BLOCK event. GLIDE flag is SET in the 'c_move'.

Here you can get and test the small demo I've made to show the bug:
Download link


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