So I did a little experiment with CreateDirectory() and fopen(). I wrote a small function to test if the application was run with Administrator rights, simply by creating a empty file/directory on the system drive. (I know there's the OpenProcessToken()/GetTokenInformation() pair which does the job better, but let's keep this simple).

This is my code
// Like str_clip (in fact it actually calls str_clip), but returns the cut string.
STRING *str_clip_a( STRING *s, int n ) {
	STRING *l = str_create(_chr(s));
	str_trunc(l, str_len(s)-n );
	str_clip(s, n);
	return l;

BOOL IsElevated () {
	const short len = 384;
	const short sublen = 3;
	char drivedir[384], cdir[3];
	GetSystemDirectory( drivedir, &len );
	strcpy(drivedir, _chr(str_clip_a(drivedir, 3))); // strlen("C:\") = 3
	strcat(drivedir, _chr ( str_for_num(NULL, rand()%256) ));
	//		if(0 == CreateDirectory(drivedir, 0))
	printf("Can't create file");

With fopen(), everything works fine. Compiled my script, run it normally, printf got executed, says it can't create the file. Right-click, chose "Run as administrator" and the file is created.

But if I substitute fopen() with CreateDirectory(), then the compiled script never creates any folder. I think creating a folder is as the same as creating a file? If so, why fopen() works but not CreateDirectory() ?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for my bad English. laugh