here's a contribution to save hmp terrain


declare this function in your project:

int save_hmp(char* filename,ENTITY* terrain,int skip_original_pixels);

set skip_original_pixels to 1 ,if you want to skip the original image
pixel data , and try to rather use the pixel data from the bmap buffers,
use this if you want to save modified pixel operations .

else set it to 0.


include save_hmp.dll in your project folder .

then call this function to save your terrain entity out to file .


has skin support , bmp and tga supports modified pixel data .

dds and png and jpg only supports non modified pixel data and "skip_original_pixels" wil default to 0 , no matter what the value "skip_original_pixels" was set to when you called the function (for now anyway)...

Last edited by Wjbender; 04/15/15 20:58.

Compulsive compiler