I´ve spend more than a week to find out what caused the crash in my project and it cost me alot of nerves. However I broke down the problem to just 3 line of code. Could you kindly look into it? It just loads a skycube and 2 models. And the thing is, it works in developement mode (from SED). But when you publish it then it goes crazy. Nexus increases to 100+ in acklog you can see the nexus overflow thingy.
First start the script test.c and then execute test.bat in the publish directory. It starts test.exe with the -diag command. In the Debug Panel you can see that the nexus is way too high.

I´ve checked the models and the skycube and also changed them but nothing solved the problem for me. Maybe there is something in the ent_create function. The Skycube has a normal
size of 6144x1024

I would be really happy if you could look into it!


PS: You are not allowed to use the models in any project (commercial /non commercial)

EDIT: After searching a bit it seems that quite a few people got that problem. I guess it´s something Gamestudio related then?

Last edited by alibaba; 03/28/15 20:42.

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