This might be more of a feature request than a "Blame the manual". But anyways, sys_marker's entry in the manual states:


The marker is also displayed in script error messages, allowing to find the precise location of the error

Which is a great feature for debugging!
Unfortunately, it isn't triggered anytime. In "Engine error messages", its implied to only appear for "Error E1513: Script crash in..." and "Error E1516: Invalid memory area".
Other errors, such as "Error E1515: Invalid arguments" do *NOT* show the marker. So this should be corrected in the manual. Or, better yet...

If there's no good reason against this, would it be possibly to display the sys_marker-content in every error message?

Here's a quick test for you, if you need it. Runs with no assets.
Uncomment the first line to get a "Script crash" (shows sys_marker), uncomment the second for an "Invalid argument" error (does not show sys_marker):

void main() {
	ENTITY* notinuse=NULL;


	//notinuse.skill1 = 1; //Gives a "Script Crash".
	//c_move(notinuse,vector(1,0,0),nullvector,0); //Gives an "Invalid argument"

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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