@Reconnoiter - Small snippets is what I'm talking about. However if they had GUI drag and drop and the ability to stack then you could build 3dgs full games this way. Load the in game editor, drop gravity and basic movement on the player Entity and the editor writes out the actual lite-c file. Not Hard! The idea is sound, I've had it working. However 3dgs GUI choke point and my lack of skill in building a snippet library made it something I couldn't finish.
I am not talking about the blueprint system, I am talking about single GUI icons(Components Blueprints, if you viewed the video) that can be dragged and dropped and stack and represent snippets to build a full C file.
To be honest my old library had snippets from the forum and wiki and just person stuff people like Superku help me write. I would just copy and paste into SED and build my basic games in that way. I allowed me to focus on the new ideas and rapidly build a basic framework. Whats wrong with having a visual drag and drop of this copy and paste I was already doing?
However, creating the blueprint system is insane for 3dgs and if not for a lot of hard-work would be a mess for EU4...