adviseLong, adviseShort - no shit man laugh laugh I bet that even jcl is not so crazy to use the current implementation of those laugh

Any profitable systems out there using machine learning and not getting creamed when trading in real? Would appreciate to see a proof that finally this stuff bears some fruits. But so far I have seen only terrible results from it - adviseLong, adviseShort, account gone laugh

Let's finally bring into Zorro some neural network capabilities or even better SVM engine (or not because finding the right SVM kernel is a bit too tough problem to solve). Then we could feed them with all the other stuff which we already got and finally Zorro will take from the rich and give to the poor laugh laugh

Don't forget to check my results here:

If I get creamed some day you can laugh about me laugh but at least I am standing here and sharing what I've got.

Jcl, why don't you share some adiseLong, adviseShort kinda strategy results?