for the first sight it is waste of time, but it has given me a lot of experience how to and how not to do things, my work is much more organized now (still not enough). and after a long period without update, I decided to release a probably final version with a good enough source, then I can concentrate on my game again. of course I will add bug-fixes and minor features later.

since I develop my game within MapBuilder, a better editor is better for me too laugh it has a simply separated code package not included in the released version. the engine itself is suitable for making my game even if no more updates come, I stay here for a while because I can work fast with it, but ue4 seems to be the right choice of future works for me. it is a heavy but very inspiring engine, being developed with light speed. e.g. visually debugging game/AI logic required a lot of work with 3dgs, and it is much simple in ue4; complex outdoor scene rendering also more optimized etc. but it depends on your needs/targets, any engine can work laugh

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor