Thanks for taking the time.

I use ignore_me in the c_trace now as Sivan suggested but it has the same error. I have added 'you = NULL;' for testing purposes:

you = NULL;
if(c_trace(tmpfrom_vec, tmpto_vec, IGNORE_PASSABLE | IGNORE_FLAG2 | IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_CONTENT | SCAN_TEXTURE) > 0)
 if (you) 
  if (enemy_p == you) 
   vec_for_vertex (my.x, you, hit.vertex);
   debug_var1 = hit.vertex;	

The debug var shows always 39 (within my interface while loop: DEBUG_VAR(debug_var1, 400); ). Also the arrow is moved to some vertex (probably to 39, cause I have checked vertex 39 in the model editor and it seems to match the location).

Also tried 'ent_remove(you);' and that works so the you is valid. Same goes for 'ent_remove(my);' so my is also valid.

So I must be doing something wrong with hit.vertex., vec_for_vertex itself seems to be working right.

Last edited by Reconnoiter; 01/28/15 19:13.