LOD. Lots of LOD. And a good database with all objects. You don't have a levelfile but some kind of database where you just query every object in your surroundings (give me all objects in manhattan distance x). All objects get deleted/instanced/reused as good as possible as the player moves and the terrain is also stored in some special "queryable" format.

One sprite per grass "chunk" is much too less to get a good performance. You need to create merged "chunk of grass" models that contain a multitude of grass chunks, a good example would be splitting up the small.hmp from samples into 4x4 or 8x8 tiles depending on the quality you want to achieve....
Behaviour for grass can be done with a shader (wind swinging and so on)

Depends on what you call "realistic". In some games the default water shader is enough, in other games you need a specialized shader for your needs.
In short: Know shaders very good and you get your realistic water...


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