in the manual under "engine" sub section "lighting engine" is a lot of information .

one states that you can read the PRV values of
the current watched (debug) entity but according
to what I understand PRV being pre calculated
light values ,come from static lighting ,so that won't
help you .

However ,also according with my understanding
dynamic lighting calculates from the diffuse specular and emissive values of entities ,
therefore you could
create an entity which you could read it's material
values from and apply the calculation to it ,then apply that to your view entity ?,but
I do not know how good a transition would look like.

if you need an entity to only be affected by dynamic
lights the manual states , set it's UNLIT flag but do not assign mat_unlit .

for affecting it only with PRV , assign mat_unlit
but do not set UNLIT flag ..

I guess you could also read a single vertex (totally unsure) for calculating the light ...

but for PVR the represent
the lightmap ,so that won't help for dynamic lights..

i think the closest i got is ,have a look at , vecLight and vecLightColor


Last edited by Wjbender; 10/30/14 20:46.

Compulsive compiler