You could try to iterate over the level enemies (ent_next), find those who have light_range != 0 or whatever it is called, then perform a c_trace every frame or multiple times per second from the camera to those entities (distance checks/ updates every frame, they are relatively cheap) and try to adapt the view entity color that way.
You could either use a shader or use a simple and old school MATERIAL where you set material.ambient_red, material.emissive_red and so on manually. I'm not too sure about the correct formula right now but for a start try to set the emissive_blue vector to zero each frame, then add the light ( ?) of each visible dynamic light source to said material vector but scale it prior to that with some factor like the following:

factor = clamp(1-vec_dist(camera.x,light.x)/light.light_range,0,1);

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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