I wonder is there any way to get brightness of the surface affected by dynamic light and sun light. F.e. if I trace below player and then check for tex_light (or hit) I can see then, if player is hiding in the shadow or not (lightmap), this could be used to make view entity darker or brighter depending on the surface below player (lets call this fake lightning). I remember one guy from Russian gamestudio community (jd_frost) used view entities for weapons, and via some tricks he was able to get dynamic lights with their colors (sun light as well) affect on view entity, and he didn't use shaders for those, only a trace, some stuff that I do not remember, and he changed view entities colors (I remember this one for sure). The sad thing is, that Russian community webpage is down.. maybe some of you guys have an idea how to return color and brightness of surface affected by dynamic light?

thanks in advance, greets

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