Great feedback laugh ,

- I can see that a lot of effort has already gone into the project, so good job so far either way. It's always difficult to keep and find motivation to work on a project for a longer time.
, what helps is sometimes setting my mind to zombie modus grin . But yeah I agree motivation is not always the easiest part, you probably experienced that yourself alot with an (almost) fully fledged game like Superku.

IMO the arms should have a very slight delay/ follow the camera when it pans and tilts, i.e. just smooth the angle difference and do not set it directly.
, funny idea, I'll add it to my to-do list.

Try to give the weapons more impact and humph and boom
, I will see if I can do something more with the explosion effects.

(bigger bullet impacts on walls and enemies)
, yeah bullet holes are still missing, I will add them, good point.

and the projectiles are a little slow.
, fixed

- The tutorial seems relatively well-made
, that's good to hear, I wasn't really sure about that one.

I didn't die but the note "when you die you have to redo the whole tutorial again" disturbed me a little. Try not to annoy your players, esp. when they start the game/ do a tutorial.
, grin , I will change both the note and that the player won't have to redo everything.

- The second wave of enemies on the map was too strong, I died pretty quickly. Maybe delay the spawn of the tougher enemies for 15 seconds.
, you have to help me a bit here; are you talking about the tutorial, the recon gamemode (with the blue i's) or the survival gamemode (with the orange text)?

- I found it to be pretty cute that the bug-like monsters flew into the air following me on the highground. <3
, they just want a hug grin